WOWZERS!!! Someone saved themselves a lot of time and effort by just naming this exactly what it is. It takes balls for someone to just make something entirely pointless and upload it for the world to see its hideousness.
NO! I did not make a mistake. The top half is the uppercase version and get this, the lower half is... LOWERCASE! GENIUS! Let's just take the uppercase letters and make the smaller to make lowercase letters! OF COURSE! Why be so angry and create a font that expresses what I feel when I can just make everything small?!? It's so simple!!!
Look at me! I'm Herez Pilton! I'm going to judge how you look by writing stuff on your photo then steal other people's fashion sense and claim them as my own! WOOOOOO!!! Take that you stupid celebrities that I, myself, have eventually become making me a complete hypocrite! Yeah! Penis on your faces! Go pee pee on the floor!! EEEEEHHHHHH... fail.
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